The Town of Port Hedland has established the Economic Development and Diversification Fund (EDDF) to encourage sustainable economic growth, local job creation and improved liveability across Port Hedland. The EDDF aims to support new and existing business initiatives that contribute to the overall economic prosperity and vitality of the Hedland community.
The EDDF: Business Development Grant is designed to support local businesses and organisations generate new revenue opportunities through the development of feasibility studies and businesses cases and seeks to:
- Assist local businesses and non-profit organisations deliver new services that enhance livability and quality of place.
- Support local businesses and non-profit organisations access funding opportunities through Western Australia and Commonwealth Government programs.
The EDDF: Business Development Grant has a maximum of 50% of the project costs, up to a limit of $15,000 per application.
Note: For the purpose of this application and as required:
- Project will have the same meaning as activity, program or similar.
Prior to moving to the next section, please ensure you review the following and understand their relevance to this grant: