2025 Community Childcare Grant

This is a preview of the Community Childcare Grant 2025 - Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Information for Applicants

Before you begin

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Community Childcare Grant.

This area of the application form is designed to help you – and us – confirm if you are eligible for this grant.

It is crucial you take the time to read it thoroughly and complete all sections. This is to ensure you do not spend unnecessary time applying for a grant which may be unsuitable for you.

If you have any questions about the Community Childcare Grant including eligibility or the application process, please contact the Community Grants Officer on (08) 9158 9314 or grants@porthedland.wa.gov.au.

Overview of the Community Childcare Grant

In 2021, the State Government committed $1 million over four years to support the attraction and retention of early childhood education and care ('ECEC') workers in regional
Western Australia.

The 'Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Child Care Workers Program'  ('Program') provides grants of up to $25,000 per annum to regional Local Government Authorities (LGAs) to fund initiatives that aim to attract and retain educators in the regions.

The Town of Port Hedland ('Town') Community Childcare Grant is supported by the Department of Communities and designed to enhance support for current ECEC staffing and attract new educators to the area.

The Town aims to achieve this through an accessible grant program and provides personalised support to local ECEC providers for the duration of the process.

There is a total funding pool of $27,500 available for this Community Childcare Grant with a maximum limit of $5,000 per application.

The amount awarded will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will depend upon the size and scope of your activity as well as the total number of applicants who have applied for this grant.

Note: For the purpose of this application and as required:

  • Activity will have the same meaning as program, support, purchase or similar.

What is covered by the grant?

  • Subsidised accommodation (rental properties only)
  • Intrastate travel relevant to the project
  • Relocation packages
  • Training and professional development
  • Support for educators to complete their practicums (including wages for relief staff)
  • Purchase of small capital items to support online learning
  • Workshops, seminars and talks to recruit prospective educators
  • Purchase of equipment required to deliver FDC (FDC only)

What is not covered by this grant?

  • Ongoing operational costs, such as insurance, power and water and home-based FDC accommodation costs
  • Interstate and overseas travel
  • Operational staff wages and salaries.
  • Projects that duplicate an existing or similar project or service within the community
  • Projects that are typically funded through other sources, such as school activities,
    sporting and cultural events
  • Projects that could be delivered as part of the agreed services under a current
    agreement the organisation has with Communities
  • Purchase of prizes or gifts

Documents and information you will require for this application

Questions in this application will request the following:

  • Contact details for the Applicant including authorised person
  • ABN
  • Activity details including budget and timeline
  • Alignment with the 'Attraction and Retention Packages for Regional Child Care Workers Program' criteria
  • Measuring and reporting on outcomes.
  • Previous support from the Town of Port Hedland
  • Budget (amount requested, total cost, income & expenditure breakdown)
  • Quotes or evidence of cost for items over $500
  • Bank details (including proof)
  • How you plan to recognise and acknowledge the Town for any grant funds received

Note: Attachments must be 25MB or less per file however files up to a maximum of 5MB are recommended - the larger the file, the longer it takes to attach.